Sunday, December 7, 2008

Milee and her doll

Almost every morning, I find Milee in her bed sleeping with her doll or playing with it. It is the cutest thing. About a month or so ago, Braxton thought Milee wanted her doll to sleep with and put it in her bed. She has loved it ever since.

the lights parade

Braxton, Milee, and Briggs with Santa

We had our christmas breakfast in pajamas. The kids really enjoyed it. Briggs was a little nervous to see santa. They did so good. No one cried. Braxton and Briggs told Santa they wanted guns. I was waiting for Santa to say, "you'll shoot your eye out" but he didn't. Don't worry mom, it's toy guns they want.

airplane museum

We went to the airplane museum. It was a boys outing and they had fun. Braxton and Briggs had a great time with their cousins. It had been 3 years since we were here in arizona. Most of the family had not even met Briggs. It was long over due. We are so glad we went. We had really missed our family on that side. We also went to the zoo, the train park, and had thanksgiving. It was full of activities. My camera battery died and we could not find the charger. So, family, send pics please. It was our family vacation for the year and it was awesome!

get me out of here

This was taken at the dinosaur museum. We love going there. They have a jail the kids can play in along with panning for gold, and of course looking at dinosaurs. For some reason, this is the only picture I took at the museum.


we stopped in vegas on our way to Arizona for thanksgiving. We stayed in the excalibur. We had a blast. The kids loved swimming, playing games to win stuffed animals, and best of all we went to the tournament of kings. It made our very long drive not so long. We also bought a dvd player for the car which help.

our crazy monkey

Briggs loves to make us laugh